Embroider and embellish Toile de Jouy with decorative stitches
This Toile de Jouy in grey on an ecru base is called Offrande à l’Amour (Gift to Love), so it is normal to add messages of love.
If you are a beginner, no need to panic. The base fabric is already lovely on its own and any little hiccups will be completely unnoticed.
What stitches to use
All you have to do is click on the name of each stitch which will take you to the corresponding video on our YouTube channel.
You can also click on the images of each motif to enlarge them. The video below also contains close-ups on the stitches.
You can follow our tips, but don’t hesitate to let your imagination run wild and add your own variations.
This Jouy motif is a marvellous base for all your creativity.
- Embellishment of the original motif printed on the fabric.
- Added motifs which we have added to the fabric.
This will show you how to use Solufix, an embroidery stabiliser, and waste canvas which is great for sewing cross stitch on plain weave fabrics.
These motifs are available in our downloadable PDF file.
Embroidery threads used
The silk, rayon, metallized and Calais threads are used as they are, sometimes doubled. Sometimes there are mixes of two different types of thread,
which adds to the diversity of the finished result and encourage you to be as adventurous as you like when stitching.
Detail of stitches and threads for each motif
Added hearts and embellished roses

- Hearts: chain stitch. The large heart with silk thread 806, medium heart with a mix of metallised thread 235 and rayon 7017, the yellow heart with one strand of Tonkin 1016, the small heart with silk 806. If you need, the motifs are available on a pdf download.
- Small roses in basket: leaves in straight stitch with silk thread 274. Two flowers in French knot with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 506, the other three with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 380.
- You can also add a few straight stitches to embellish the grass beneath their feet using two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 and silk thread 274.
Added hearts and embellished leaves

- Little hearts: there are seven, all in straight stitch using two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre in 555, 380, 506 and 360.
- Leaves on shrub: lazy daisy stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 and two strands of Tonkin 1015.
- Leaves on tree: straight stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015, then Retors du Nord 2012, then Tonkin 1015.
Added bunting, embellished clothes and tree

- Bunting: detached wowen picot with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre. Five flags using 555 for one, 380 for two and the two remaining with 506.
- Lady’s cape: running stitch with two strands of Tonkin 1024.
Cheek embellished with small straight stitches with 1 strand of Laine Saint-Pierre 555. - Shepherd’s scarf: stem stitch with two strands of Tonkin 1024.
- Leaves on poplar: straight stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 and a few stitches here and there with one strand of Tonkin 1015.
- The two hearts above the tree are sewn in straight stitch using two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre, one in 380, the other in 555.
Added hearts, embellished angel and leaves

- Yellow heart at top: straight stitch stitch with two strands of Tonkin thread 1016.
- Embellished angel: French knots for the hair with metallised thread 110 doubled. Stem stitch for the outer contour of the wings and straight stitches to emphasise the feathers, again with metallised thread 110.
- Heart and arrow on pedestal: stem stitch for the shaft of the arrow, straight stitch for the tip and feather stitch feather stitch for the fletching, all using two strands of Tonkin 1016. The pink heart is sewn in stem stitch using two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 506.
- Leaves on tree: straight stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 and a few stitches with silk thread 274.
- Leaves on bush: straight stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 and a few stitches with silk 274, and Tonkin 1009.
Added hearts and “je t’aime”, embellished poplars

- Je t'aime: chain stitch with Calais 6944 mixed with metallised thread 235 for one half and 110 for the rest. The motif is available on a pdf download.
- Poplar trees: lazy daisy stitch with two strands of Tonkin 1009 for the first and two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 and metallised thread 110 for the second.
- You can add a few straight stitches to the trees on the right with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015.
- Little hearts: straight stitch with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 380 and 555.
Added “ti amo”

- Stem stitch with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 555. The motif is available on a pdf download.
Added beaming heart

- Heart: French knots with two strands of Tonkin thread 1016 on part of the outline, then silk thread 806 mixed with metallised thread 235, and two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 506. The motif is available on a pdf download.
- Heart beams: straight stitch with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 555, alternating with1 strand of Laine Saint-Pierre 555 mixed with metallised thread 110.
Shepherd and added flowers

- Little hearts: the little hearts above the shepherd have already been embroidered. For the others, straight stitch with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 380, 555, 506 and 360.
- Shepherd’s scarf: tight stem stitch with two strands of Tonkin 1024. For his cheek, three small straight stitches with Laine Saint-Pierre 506.
- Bush by the shepherdess: straight stitch with silk thread 274 and small straight stitches with 1 strand of Retors du Nord 2015 for the veins, lazy daisy stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2012.
- Added rose basket: wheel stitch for the flowers, two using 2 strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 360, one with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 555 and metallised thread and the last with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 506. straight stitch for the leaves with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015. Don’t be surprised – these flowers are sewn over a sheep!
- Embellished flowers and leaves below the shepherdess: lazy daisy stitch for the flowers with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 555 for some, 506 for the others. Leaf stitch for the leaves with silk thread 274, straight stitch for the veins with 1 strand of Retors du Nord 2015.
LOVE in cross stitch and embellished leaves

- You will be using the waste canvas, you can see our video how to use waste canvas showing how to cross stitch on plain weave fabric. The pattern can be found in the downloadable pdf file. Use the silk thread 806 for the L, V and E, and two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 506 of the O.
- Leaves around the portico: straight stitch with two strands of Tonkin thread 1009 alternated with two strands of Tonkin 1015 and two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 with a strand of metallised thread 110.
- You can add small straight stitch straight stitches hearts using two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre in 555, 380 and 506.
- Left pillar of portico: stem stitch using one strand of Tonkin threads 2016.
Yellow love and embellished leaves

- Love : French knots with Tonkin 1016. The motif is available on a pdf download.
- Leaves: small straight stitches some with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 mixed with a strand of metallised thread 110, others with silk thread 274.
- Add small straight stitches hearts with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre in 555, 380 and 506.
- Flautist’s cheek: small straight stitches with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 555.
Large beaming heart and embellished leaves

- Heart: this is embroidered in cross stitch using the waste canvas, the pattern can be found in the downloadable pdf file. Use the rayon thread 7017 doubled.
- The beams are sewn in straight stitch with one strand of Tonkin 1016.
- The leaves: upper leaves in straight stitch with two strands of Retors du Nord 2015 with a strand of metallised thread 110, the lower ones in straight stitch in the same Retors du Nord thread but without the metallised thread.
Added Love

- IEmbroidered in stem stitch with two strands of Laine Saint-Pierre 380. The motif can be found in the downloadable pdf file below.
- - There you go! All finished, unless you decide to add something else…