Laine Saint-Pierre for embroidery and darning

Laine Saint-Pierre for embroidery and darning

- Categories : Maison Sajou

The history of Laine Saint-Pierre

Laine Saint-Pierre is the brand name of a darning wool which belonged to Monnier-Montange, a company based in Lyon at the beginning of the 20th century. At the time, they also had a retail store called “Aux Petits Gobelins”. The company was bought out in 1971 by Maison Vrau in Lille, owners as well of the Fil Au Chinois brand. Both Laine Saint-Pierre and Fil Au Chinois were taken over by Ets. Toulemonde in 2007.

Vintage presentation of Laine Saint-Pierre

Laine Saint-Pierre today

Laine Saint-Pierre has had many different presentations. At one moment, it was on large perforated cards which haberdashers could separate on demand.

Copies of Laine Saint-Pierre, a testimony to its success

It was extremely popular and often copied. There are countless saints who have given their name to different darning wools: Laine Saint-Marc, Laine Saint-Hilaire, Laine Saint-Jacques, Laine Saint-Jean, to name but a few.

The current presentation was designed by Frederique Crestin-Billet. Laine Saint-Pierre is available on 10 metre cards sold individually, and also in assortments of 12 colours in lovely boxes, as well as our spectacular box containing the complete collection.

For larger projects, it is also available on 1000 metre cones. We also have a printed colour chart available, and a kit to make a vintage style colour sampler.

Our series of embroidery projects dedicated to the Bayeux Tapestry are all embroidered using Laine Saint-Pierre.

Laine Saint-Pierre on Sajou's online haberdashery

See below our videos where Laine Saint-Pierre is used.
Repair a small hole in a jumper
Repair visible mending in a jumper
Sewing elbow patches on a jumper
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