Sew a fabric bow tie
Here, we invite you to create a fabric bow tie. Simple, quick, and fun, this little sewing project is perfect for beginners.
This bow tie is made of three pieces: the bow itself, a small fabric loop to hold it in place, and the third piece, which forms the neckband.
What you will need
- a piece of fabric measuring 30cm by 20cm, see all Sajou fabric swatches
- 7 mm wide elastic, 22cm or a bit more depending on the recipient's neck size
Cut three pieces from the fabric:
- 30cm by 7cm, piece 1
- 8cm by 7cm, piece 2
- 22cm by 13cm, piece 3
We strongly recommend watching our video, especially for the little tip on folding the angles of the neckband.
Making the bow
Fold piece 1 in half, right sides together, lengthwise. Pin and sew along the edge at 1cm.
Press the seam open with an iron and turn right side out. Iron again, placing the seam on top in the middle.
To mark the centre, fold the piece in half lengthwise and unfold. Fold one side toward the centre, then fold the other side inwards, overlapping by about 1cm.
Iron and tuck the lower edge into the upper edge. Stitch all the layers together.
Making the bow loop
Fold piece 2 in half lengthwise. Pin and sew along the edge at 1cm. Press the seam open with an iron and turn the piece right side out.
Iron again, placing the seam on top in the middle.
Making the neckband and attaching the elastic
On the wrong side of piece 3, fold in 1cm on each side along the length. Iron, fold in half again, and iron once more.
Unfold, then fold the two ends over, iron, and fold the angles as shown in the video.
Fold the piece in half again. Insert one end of the elastic inside and pin it. Stitch this end and along the entire length at 5mm from the edge.
When you reach the other end of the fabric, insert the second end of the elastic and stitch, then stitch along the entire length again.
Take piece 2 and fold it in half around the neckband, with the seam on top. Stitch 1cm from the edge and turn it right side out.
Place this small loop in the middle of the neckband.
Finally, shape the bow and slide it through the small loop.
All done!
Feel free to choose colourful fabrics - here are bow ties in festive Christmas tones.