Basic traditional embroidery stitches

Basic traditional embroidery stitches

- Categories : Embroidery

Basic stitches in traditionnal embroidery

What is traditional embroidery?

Traditional embroidery is the art of decorating material with thread.
A lot of the stitches used in embroidery can also be found in cross stitch and tapestry, but without the rigidity of having to count.
See our article on Cross stitch and variants.
We recommend that you watch the videos where we show you how to start and finish your work.
Even if the commentary is in French, the videos are sufficiently clear to be understood visually.

Running stitch and threaded running stitch

Running stitch is a very simple stitch with a space in between to form a dashed line.
Depending on the result you wish to achieve, the stitches can be of equal length or not, and the same for the spaces in between.
It is multidirectional and can be used for straight lines, zigzags or curves.
The beginning of our video shows simple running stitch, and later, threaded running stitch.
The threading can be done with the same thread or with a contrast and does not go through the fabric.
Le point avant broderie traditionnelle Maison Sajou

Back stitch, threaded back stitch and double threaded back stitch

Back stitch, or hem stitch, is a stitch that is worked backwards to form a solid continuous line.
As with running stitch, it can be sewn horizontally, vertically, in zigzags or curves, with varying lengths of stitch or not, depending on the desired effect.
You will see in our video how to do simple back stitch and then threaded back stitch.
The double threaded back stitch in another video shows the three steps: simple back stitch, then threaded back stitch and double threaded back stitch.
We have used a contrasting thread to clearly show the different steps but, as with all stitches, this is up to you for the effect you want.
Le point arrière broderie traditionnelle Maison Sajou

Straight stitch

Another very simple stitch, this is literally as stitch that is straight. Also known as single satin stitch, this can be worked closely together or isolated.
We show you in our video how to embroider a heart in straight stitch using Laine Saint-Pierre,
This thread is slightly puffy so great for getting good coverage.
See alos the straight stitch in our review Cross stitch and variants.

Satin stitch

Satin stitch is a series of straight stitches worked parallel closely together to cover a surface with no gaps.
Our video shows how to do this stitch using four strands of our Retors du Nord embroidery thread, which gives great coverage.
Point passé plat broderie traditionnelle Maison Sajou

Stem stitch

Stem stitch can be sewn straight or curved. It is formed of straight stitches sewn at an angle to form a rope-like form.
The most important thing for a successful result is a regularity of the stitches.
When negotiating a curve, you can use slightly smaller stitches.
Point de tige broderie traditionnelle Maison Sajou

Chain stitch

This stitch is formed of small loops interlocked to form a chain.
These loops can be all the same size or different depending on the desired result.
It can be sewn in straight lines or curved.
Point de chaînette broderie traditionnelle Maison Sajou

Lazy daisy stitch

Also known as detached chain stitch, this is perfect for flower petals or leaves. It is a single chain stitch with a holding stitch.
Le point de bouclette broderie traditionnelle Maison Sajou

Couching stitch

Although this can seem daunting at first, it is really simple and gives dramatic results. It is used to fix thicker or fragile threads on fabric.
Our Rochefort thread is ideal for this, we used one strand of Retors du Nord Retors du Nord embroidery thread for the couching stitches, although other threads can give a dramatic effect.
Exemples de broderies traditionnelles avec des fils Sajou
With a base of a few stitches, you can transform clothes, table linen and furnishings.
Use Solufix to add embroideries to T-shirts.

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