Alsace Collection

Welcome in our collection of Alsace themed products!

The Alsace region in France has a very strong identity: the beauty of the landscapes, the characteristic architecture of the towns and villages, the easily identifiable traditional costumes, the gastronomy, the famous Christmas markets…
The specific history of the region has, without a doubt, contributed to the endurance of these traditions so vehemently defended by the people of the region.

The collection of our Alsace themed haberdashery started with our Farandole Alsacienne fabric, designed by Guy Untereiner, a celebrated Alsacian artist.

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Sajou Alsace Strasbourg cushion cross stitch kit on 32 counts linen

Cross stitch kit Strasbourg cushion - Linen

Price €49.17
(1 review)
Sajou cross stitch kit Hunspach model on ecru Aida and red stripes

Cross stitch kit Hunspach Aida tea towel

Price €31.67
(1 review)
Sajou cross-stitch kit round box Alsatian lady with her goose

Cross-stitch kit Alsatian goose lady round box

Price €15.00
(1 review)
Sajou folding shopping bag Farandole Alsaicenner motif

Folding shopping bag Farandole Alsacienne

Price €12.50
(1 review)
Sajou small orange click clack storage box Farandole Alsacienne

Small click clack storage tin - Alsace orange

Price €3.33
(1 review)
Sajou full sewing box for embroidery - Farandole Alsacienne

Filled embroidery box - Farandole Alsacienne

Price €75.00
(1 review)
Sajou Farandole Alsacienne empty sewing box for embroidery open

Sewing box - Empty Farandole alsacienne label

Price €20.00
(1 review)
Sajou pair of gilded Stork scissors small model

Stork embroidery scissors - gilded - small

Price €23.33
(6 reviews)
Sajou 15 assorted embroidery needles Farandole window booklet

15 sharp embroidery needles Alsace

Price €5.75
(7 reviews)
Sajou oilcloth with Farandole Alsacienne motif sold in swatch

Swatch coated fabric Farandole Alsacienne

Price €11.25
(1 review)
Sajou printed tin containing a fern soap

Fern soap - Farandole alsacienne tin

Price €8.33
(2 reviews)
Sajou sewing kit to make a three-dimensional Christmas tree with Alsatian fabrics theme

Christmas tree sewing kit Farandole Alsacienne

Price €11.25
(4 reviews)

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