Mounting a round embroidered box

Mounting a round embroidered box

- Categories : Embroidery

The mounting of our round embroidery boxes

What you need

All supplies are in the kit you purchased. Additionally, you will need:
  • a dressmaker's chalk,
  • white fabric glue,
  • a brush,
  • a clean cloth,
  • a weight (which can be a book, a bottle filled with water, a can, etc.),
  • you will also need a pair of scissors and an iron.

When the embroidery is finished

Unless the embroidery has got dirty, it is advisable not to wash it before making the box.
You will find all the details in our video: it will take you less than 10 minutes.

Cutting the embroidery

First step in mounting Sajou embroidered boxes: tracing the fabric
Once you have finished your embroidery, iron on wrong side.
Sing a good light source, centre the cardboard disc on the embroidery and draw around it on the wrong side.
Second step in mounting Sajou embroidered boxes: cutting the fabric
Cut off excess fabric leaving a 1.5cm margin from the chalk line. 
Clip all around the fabric at roughly 1cm intervals.

Placing the wadding on the cardboard disc

Third step in mounting Sajou embroidered boxes: glueing the wadding
Cover the cardboard disc with glue and place the wadding on it.
Cut off the excess around the disc.

The glueing of the embroidery on the lid

Fourth step in mounting Sajou embroidered boxes: glueing the fabric
Use a white fabric glue all around the edge of the cardboard disc and fold over the notches one by one.
About halfway through, check the embroidery is correctly centred.
Once you have glued down all the edges, wipe away any excess glue with a clean cloth. Leave to dry.
Fifth step in mounting Sajou embroidered boxes: preparing the lid
Recuperate a bit of excess embroidery fabric and, with one or two pieces, glue onto the raised central part of the lid.
This will prevent the covered disc from slipping and give a solid finish. 
Cover the back of the disc with glue and centre it on the lid.
Place a weight or heavy book on the lid and leave to dry for a few hours.
Last step in mounting Sajou embroidered boxes: positioning the embroidery
The lid is perfect, you just have now to put it on your box!
See our section with all our embroidery round box kits.

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